Grenfell Survivors Outraged by David Cameron’s Claims on Fire Safety Regulations

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Grenfell Fire Safety, Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who said that the investigation into the tragedy validated his argument that his government’s deregulation program had not included fire safety laws, has drawn harsh criticism from housing activists and survivors of the Grenfell Tower catastrophe. Cameron made remarks in a social media post that have been called “bollocks” and “total bullshit” by many who believe his government’s policies were a major factor in the tragic fire that killed 72 people in June 2017.

Cameron’s Claims and the Grenfell Inquiry Findings

In his statement, Cameron argued that fire and building safety regulations were exempt from the Coalition government’s broader effort to reduce red tape, which had introduced a “one in, one out” rule for new regulations in 2010, later escalating to “one in, three out.” He insisted that the inquiry report supported his viewpoint and that his government had taken action to tighten fire safety regulations.

On the other hand, campaigners and survivors cited the inquiry’s conclusions, which directly refuted Cameron’s assertion. The study, chaired by Sir Martin Moore-Bick, concluded that safety concerns were frequently “ignored, delayed, or disregarded” due to the government’s overwhelming deregulatory drive. The report also rejected evidence from Eric Pickles, who served as housing secretary under Cameron, stating that his understanding of fire regulations was deeply flawed.

The inquiry concluded that while the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 was exempt from Cameron’s red tape review, building regulations — which played a critical role in fire safety — were not. Proponents of affordable housing claim that this error was a direct cause of the circumstances leading up to the Grenfell disaster.

Reactions from Survivors and Campaigners

Grenfell Fire Safety, In response to Cameron’s remarks, Grenfell Tower resident Ed Daffarn, who had previously voiced worries about fire safety on several occasions, expressed his rage and charged the former prime minister of failing to uphold his obligation. “The report is a damning indictment of a government that put UK plc before the health and safety of Grenfell. The result is that 72 people die because the regulations didn’t keep them safe,” Daffarn said.

Housing campaigner Giles Grover, co-leader of the End Our Cladding Scandal group, dismissed Cameron’s claims as “bollocks.” He accused the administration of the former prime minister of compromising building safety by its unwavering focus on deregulation. Grover cited Cameron’s own comments about eliminating the “health and safety culture for good” and the effect this had on housing laws while he was in government.

Anger from Bereaved Families

Cameron’s comment was denounced by Masoumeh Samimi, who lost her mother and aunt in the Grenfell disaster, as “ridiculous,” emphasizing how the government’s desire to reduce restrictions disregarded the human cost. Samimi remembered the agony that her family continued to experience, especially the years after the fire when her mother’s corpses were discovered. Cameron’s comments, she added, were “a slap in the face” to those who had lost loved ones, and his deregulation policies contributed to the disaster.

The families of the victims represented by the Grenfell Next of Kin organization also voiced dismay at Cameron’s comments, calling them “staggering” and questioning whether he had even followed the inquiry.

Broader Disapproval of Political Accountability

Politicians were accused of attempting to rewrite history by Jennifer Frame, a former resident of Richmond House, which was destroyed by fire two years after Grenfell. Her criticism of Cameron was directed against other political leaders as well. Cameron’s government had created a culture of deregulatory behavior, she claimed, making households susceptible. Now, the former prime minister was trying to distance himself from this duty. Frame demanded that political leaders take greater responsibility in order to prevent similar tragedies from happening again.


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