
Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s X Talk Was marred by technical difficulties

Musk Trump X talk issues, A number of technical issues interrupted Elon Musk’s much-anticipated conversation with Republican presidential contender Donald Trump on the social media site X. The intended discussion to cover important political issues started more than 40 minutes behind schedule because many users had trouble connecting to the event.


Technical Issues Cast a Shadow Over the Conversation

The event was supposed to be an interview in which Musk would ask Trump cordial questions on urgent matters like immigration and inflation, but Musk Trump X talk issues the technological difficulties overshadowed the discussion. Many users who were anxious to participate were frustrated by the delays and disruptions during the debate, which was once anticipated to be a seamless exchange.


Undisputed Claims and Divergent Views

Trump made several erroneous statements during the interview, none of which were disputed. This has raised concerns about the platform’s potential involvement in the dissemination of false information. Musk reaffirmed his backing for Trump, who is facing Democratic challenger Kamala Harris in the upcoming election in November. Experts disputed with Musk’s assertion that a cyberattack was to blame for the problems, stating that it was unlikely.

Tech glitches mar rambling Trump, Musk interview on X | Shepparton News

The Impact of the Technical Issues

The technological issues that arose during the conversation have drawn attention to X’s dependability as a venue for events of this magnitude. Musk’s involvement in these discussions is significant because of his rising prominence in the political arena. He has more than 190 million followers on X, where he frequently engages in political debates. Moreover, Musk has recently been associated with a newly established political committee that supports Trump’s campaign.


Discussion on Key Campaign Issues

Among the numerous topics Musk and Trump talked about were the recent attempt on Trump’s life at a Pennsylvania rally and his desire for the US to install a “Iron Dome” missile defense system similar to Israel’s. In addition, Trump stated that if he were to win the next election, he would abolish the federal Department of Education and give its duties to the individual states.


Trump continued to attack President Biden’s departure from the race, referring to it as a “coup” instigated by Democratic senators who were thought to be feeble. In a recent interview, Biden clarified that he withdrew in order to avoid a party conflict that may divert attention from the impending election.


The Evolving Relationship Between Musk and Trump

Trump and Musk have a complicated relationship; in the past, the two have exchanged criticism. Despite his prior misgivings on electric vehicles, Trump even complimented Tesla, Musk’s electric vehicle firm, during their cordial exchange on X. During the conversation, Trump praised Tesla’s products and said that he had “no choice” but to embrace electric automobiles because of Musk’s backing.


Musk, on the other hand, expressed his willingness to assist a potential Trump administration with the establishment of a “government efficiency commission.” Trump also appreciated having a platform like X, where he could speak freely and at length.


Musk’s Invitation to Kamala Harris

Following the event, Musk extended an invitation to Vice-President Kamala Harris to participate in a similar conversation on X. However, the Harris campaign responded critically, describing Musk and Trump as “self-obsessed rich guys” who are out of touch with the middle class and unable to run a successful livestream in 2024.


Cybersecurity Issues and Gaps

The technological issues that clouded the Musk-Trump chat have drawn attention to the security and stability of X as a political event venue. A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) assault, which aims to overwhelm a website with traffic and make it unavailable, is the source of the problems, according to Musk. Cybersecurity professionals, however, remain gloomy, conjecturing that the issues may have been caused by multiple users trying to see the broadcast simultaneously.


According to Anthony Lim, the director of Singapore’s Centre for Strategic Cyberspace and International Studies, a DDoS attack usually impacts more than one website service—for example, a livestream—rather than just one. Andrew Hay of the IT firm Damovo supported this view, pointing out that while X’s broadcast service would have been the focus of a DDoS attack, the platform’s primary functionalities most likely would not have been affected.


Trump’s Return to X

Trump’s substantial return to X was signaled by his ban from the platform following the Capitol brawl on January 6, 2021. Trump has since largely used his own social media account, Truth Social, however he briefly returned to X in 2022 to share his mug image and a link to his campaign website after Musk reopened his account.


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